March 13, 2024

What Is Non-Sterile Compounding?

Many people may not be familiar with the practice of non-sterile compounding and plenty of misconceptions can arise as a result. That’s why we’ve put together this helpful guide to answer your questions about non-sterile compounding and to help determine if it might be the right option for you!

What Is Non-Sterile Compounding?

Many people may not be familiar with the practice of non-sterile compounding and plenty of misconceptions can arise as a result. That’s why we’ve put together this helpful guide to answer your questions about non-sterile compounding and to help determine if it might be the right option for you!

What is non-sterile compounding?

Compounding is the practice of combining multiple medications and ingredients in order to create personalized medicines that can help provide effective care tailored to you. Non-sterile compounding is an extremely common form of this practice in which medicines are prepared that do not require a completely sterile environment.

What’s the difference between sterile and non-sterile compounding?

While intravenous medicines and injections must be prepared in an entirely sterile environment due to their methods of delivery, most medications do not need to be prepared in this way. While strict procedures must be followed during any type of compounding, non-sterile compounding can take place outside of an entirely sterilized site.

Is non-sterile compounding safe?

Absolutely! While the name “non-sterile compounding” can leave some people with misconceptions that it may be unsafe, this process is conducted by trained professionals following strict protocols. While it does not need to be conducted in a completely sterilized environment, non-sterile compounding is still done according to high standards to ensure the best possible patient outcomes.

What benefits does non-sterile compounding offer?

Personalized medicine can provide lots of great benefits! Whether you need a medication made without a particular ingredient, transformed into a different dosage form, or want multiple medications combined into a single dose, there may be solutions that non-sterile compounding can offer you.
Additionally, you can request modified flavoring, which can be helpful for children who don’t like to take their medicine!

What can be made with non-sterile compounding?

Non-sterile compounding can be used to create a number of different dosage forms, including oral and topical. Whether you need a medicated shampoo or a particular ointment, non-sterile compounding may be the perfect option!

Will my insurance cover non-sterile compounding?

The answer to this question varies between providers and plans. While some insurers and plans may cover non-sterile compounding entirely, others might only provide partial coverage, or none at all. Check with your insurance provider to find out more information.

Why visit Thornhill’s Pharmacy for non-sterile compounding?

At Thornhill’s Pharmacy, our team of dedicated professionals is here to help you with all of your non-sterile compounding needs! We can prepare dosage forms based on your preferences and needs, such as dye-free, preservative-free, alcohol-free, or sugar-free medications. Our pharmacists are also happy to help answer any questions you may have about non-sterile compounding in order to help you determine whether it may be a good option for you.

While the idea of non-sterile compounding may be unfamiliar to some, it is a safe and common practice that is used to help people access medications they need in the forms that work best for them. Whether you have allergies, intolerances, or other specific needs, personalized medicine can make a huge difference! Visit Thornhill’s Pharmacy and explore how our non-sterile compounding services could benefit you!