
Neuro Magnesium Capsules

Supports Healthy Synapse Number and Function

Supports stress management, sleep quality, and mood

"Supports Healthy Brain Magnesium Levels "


Weight Management Kit

Increases satiety

Supports healthy blood glucose metabolism

Supports healthy levels of intestinal bacteria

Form $170.00

Berberine Extra Strength

Supports healthy blood glucose metabolism

Supports metabolic pathways by activating AMP Kinase

Supports increased GLP-1 activity



1/3 of weight management kit

Supports healthy intestinal levels

Promotes gut barrier function



Broad-spectrum support for healthy immune function

Supports antioxidant activity

Supports healthy respiratory function



Non-habit forming, non sedating

Promotes a proper balance of brain neurotransmitters

Supports a relaxed mood


Neuro Magnesium Powder - Berry Flavor

Supports Healthy Synapse Number and Function

Supports stress management, sleep quality, and mood

"Supports Healthy Brain Magnesium Levels "

Form $52.00

NeuroMag Plus

Promotes concentration, mental clarity, and focus

Supports cognitive health

Promotes mental and physical energy and motivation to exercise



Helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels

Supports healthy CoQ-10 levels

Multidimensional support for cardiovascular health


D3 & K2 Micellized Liquid

Supports bone health

Supports cardiovascular health and arterial elasticity

Supports calcium deposits in to bones


7-Day Detox


Power Multi
